Rationalise Thought Processes Instead Of Yelling At Kids

Yelling and screaming contorts your face and makes you look scary. The kids feel petrified seeing the rage and the parents feel miserable because they have yelled at the children. Does screaming and yelling at the children work? No it doesn’t say the experts!

How do I stop yelling at my kids, is a thought that troubles most parents. The crazy guy tirade has to be stopped and we have to calm down. When you raise your voice or contort the face, you are exhibiting a negative emotion to your child. You need to rationalize your actions and keep cool. Start counting from 1 to 10 if it helps you, instead of yelling.

Parents scream because they are forced to multi-task and make multiple decisions at the same time. And this frustrates them. They end up asking “how do I stop yelling at my kids”. This is an automatic reaction which can be seen when the child is doing something that they disapprove of. The screaming and yelling is letting lose the anger. The anger parachutes in and leaves the parent with clenched jaws and a pounding heart. Read on for some practical tips to manage anger:

What triggers the yelling reaction? Monitor yourself closely and understand the trigger factors. Stress or misbehaviour may be the trigger. Once you are aware of the reason for your anger you can manage yourself better. Involve the child in another activity to distract him. This may prevent you from screaming.
Kids need to be cautioned that you’re losing your temper. Tell them that you resent screaming but they are pushing you to lose temper. Sometimes sober warnings can work a miracle!
Physically exiting the room to compose yourself is the best way to deal with irritable emotions. Take out time and walk off from the situation!
You can ask your partner to deal with it or punch a pillow to let out the anger. Your personal behaviour has to be changed mindfully.
Discipline your child without stress. You can make a “yes” list. Yes actions may include running out to the garden and jogging or probably twisting on the spot, writing a few words and then throwing the paper, playing with your pet, deep breathing and walking off when you are faced with an adverse situation.
Your yelling may force the child to clam up emotionally. You have to exercise self control to pass the message across. Reprimands and discipline can come later. The child needs to understand the consequences of behavior and has to be able to talk about their failures to their parents and a professional.
Keep communication channels open
Behaviours are normally approved according to the age of the child. You can talk about your emotional state to your child.
Do not nag the kid for a particular activity that may be his trigger. Keep him busy and make him run an errand instead.
Sometimes we have unrealistic expectations from the child. Limit your expectations and be realistic. All these activities will help control your bristling anger!